
Benadryl is running a dynamic, reactive, location-specific Digital OOH campaign to alert hayfever sufferers when pollen counts are high this summer. The data-driven campaign based on official Met Office pollen counts, is both geo-targeted to areas registering high pollen counts, and location-specific, providing localised map readings based on the exact location of each individual digital outdoor site.
Running across retail and roadside digital locations, the campaign promotes Benadryl’s Social Pollen Count App which provides live pollen information alongside social activity from fellow sufferers. The tactical campaign with JCDecaux was planned and booked by GroupM Primus and Kinetic, created by JWT and produced by Grand Visual and is timed over the summer period, when grass pollen allergies affect 95% of hayfever sufferers.
Digital posters are regionally activated when the pollen count is High/Very High according to MET Office readings that day. This tactical campaign takes full advantage of the medium's flexibility, replicating the functionality of the Social Pollen Count App in the real world. The campaign delivers timely, responsive and locally relevant information to people as they work, travel and socialise.

Published in Retail, Cities, about #Bendadryl, #hayfever, #hay fever, #summer, #Digital