This Cookies Policy is aimed at providing you with some information about how we manage cookies and other trackers when you use our site available at and how you can manage your choices in relation to such cookies and trackers.
Access to the Cookies Preferences Platform
1. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file stored by the browser on your equipment (computer, phone…) that records information relating to your navigation on a website or mobile application. We use the term “cookies” to designate cookies, trackers and similar technologies. Cookies have multiple uses: they enable identifying you so that you can access to your account, managing a shopping cart, memorizing your browsing language, follow your navigation for statistics analysis or advertising purposes…
2. What are the different types of cookies?
Cookies can be classified depending on:
- Their lifetime:
> Session cookies, which are temporary and kept in the memory of your browser only when it is open. As soon as you shut your browser, these cookies are deleted from your history.
> Persistent cookies, which have a predefined lifetime, determined on the basis of their purpose. These cookies remain on your equipment until they expire or until you delete them manually by using the functionalities of your browser.
- Their source:
> First party cookies, which are deposited directly by the publisher of the website or the mobile app you are consulting, or by its service providers on its behalf.
> Third party cookies, which are deposited by partners authorised by the publisher. The deposit, use and monitoring of these cookies are dealt with by third parties and governed by the privacy policy of such third parties.
- Their purposes:
> Necessary cookie, which are strictly necessary to the good functioning of the website or deposited to provide an online communication service requested expressly by the user. Several purposes may be covered by these cookies, such as recording cookies preferences chosen by the user, authentication with a service, keeping a shopping cart in memory, invoicing purchased products or services, customizing the user interface (e.g.: language choice, presentation of a service), maintaining the security of the website…
> Other cookies, which may have various purposes (analytics, advertisement, social networks sharing…).
3. What types of cookies are used on our website and for what purposes?
On our website, we use the following cookies:
Necessary Cookies
These cookies enable us to:
- Ensure the proper functioning of the website’s content management system (Drupal)
- Safeguard the language of navigation chosen by the user
- Safeguard cookies preferences and transfer consent information to partners
- Protect the website against spam enquiries on contact form
These cookies are managed by us and service providers acting on our behalf.
Audience Measurement Cookies
These cookies enable us to improve user’s experience and the quality of our services by establishing anonymous audience and frequentation statistics of the website. On our website, we use Google Analytics. To learn more about how Google may process your data, please review their Privacy Policy.
Social networks sharing cookies
These cookies enable us to display and upload a toolbar to share content on the main social networks. On our website, we use AddToAny. To learn more about how AddToAny may process your data, please review their Privacy Policy. We inform you that if you click on a social network link proposed on our website, you will be redirected directly to the website of such social network. Your data will then be processed according to the privacy rules of such network.
Video Cookies
These cookies enable you to read videos posted on our website when you click on them. On our website, we use Vimeo and YouTube.
- To learn more about how Vimeo may process your data, please review their Privacy Policy.
- To learn more about how YouTube may process your data, please review their Privacy Policy.
4. How can you manage your cookies preferences?
Necessary cookies are not subject to your prior consent.
They will be automatically deposited on your terminal when you connect to the website. You can still object to them and delete them by using the settings of your browser but please be informed that in this case, your user experience may be highly degraded, and the website may not function as expected. In addition, please be informed that your choices regarding acceptance or rejection of cookies are managed by cookies deposited by our Consent Management Platform, Didomi. If you deactivate these cookies in the settings of your browser, we will no longer be able to remember your choices.
Other cookies are subject to your prior consent.
They will be deposited only if you explicitly accept them, either globally or individually, by clicking on the agreement buttons. If you click on the refusal buttons, on the Continue without agreeing link (as the case may be) or if you continue navigating without making any choice, these cookies will not be deposited. You may modify your choices at any time via the Cookies Preferences Platform.
You may also configure your browser to prevent cookies from being deposited on your equipment. The configuration of each browser is different:
- For Internet Explorer
- For Chrome
- For Firefox
- For Safari
5. Contact
If you have any question regarding this Cookies Policy, you may contact us:
- By email:
- By post: JCDecaux UK, 991 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9DN
Latest update - May 17, 2021