
Postpartum psychosis awareness campaign launches nationwide.

In a groundbreaking move to raise awareness about postpartum psychosis, the charity Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) has launched a powerful billboard campaign across the country in partnership with the JCDecaux Community Channel.

Postpartum psychosis is a treatable medical emergency that affects new mothers, occurring within the first few weeks or months after childbirth. Raising awareness about this illness is crucial to ensure timely intervention and support for the mums and families affected.

The new billboard campaign aims to raise awareness about the condition and signpost to the resources and support APP offers.

The visually striking designs have been crafted with the support of Mother, a renowned creative agency, and developed with leading academic experts as well as those with lived experience of postpartum psychosis. They seek to capture attention and prompt conversation on a scale that hasn’t been achieved before.

We are proud to be working in partnership with APP to raise awareness around postpartum psychosis and the support the charity offers to all those affected. The JCDecaux Community Channel creates real value through the power of the public screen and aims to amplify Out-of-Home’s role as a force for good in the community.

Chris Dooley

Head of Social Impact at JCDecaux UK

The campaign is running across digital billboards nationwide throughout March. To find out more about help and support with postpartum psychosis, click here.

Published in Cities, Digital