
OVO is the first brand to appear on the new 60m billboard in Euston station, the largest indoor DOOH screen in Europe, with a creative that uses generative AI and API data to give live insights into Britain’s energy habits.

OVO has today unveiled the first campaign for Euston Station’s new 60m motion billboard, ‘The Energy Forecast.’ Made in collaboration with Saatchi & Saatchi, the new creative uses generative AI and API data to give live insights into Britain’s energy habits, and offers interactive guidance to help consumers cut CO2 by using energy when the grid is greener.

The majority of Britons know that our energy use is important in helping reduce our climate impact. But with 42% of Brits believing that Britain only gets 10% of its electricity supply from zero and low carbon energy sources (it’s actually 55%)*, how many of us really understand how to change how we use energy for the better? We look to the weather forecast for guidance on how to behave outside each day – and now, OVO is offering the same advice for energy use.

In an industry first, powered by generative AI and real-time API data from the National Grid ESO, the OVO Energy Forecast provides a live view into how people are using energy right now, what's powering the UK, and how they can start saving. Taking sole placement on the Euston Motion+ billboard from today, The Energy Forecast aims to educate commuters on simple ways to make greener decisions, and lower carbon emissions as a result.

Making energy more relatable by visualising data and everyday personal moments, the dynamic motion builds on OVO’s ‘different angle on energy’ campaign and helps consumers lessen their carbon impact by making small changes, such as:  “60% of us have switched to air fryers. Green curries have never been greener” and “Almost 1 in 4 control their heating with their phone. Being smart is now cool. Or warm. Totally up to you.”

OVO, Saatchi & Saatchi, Goodstuff,  Talon, JCDecaux UK and Network Rail collaborated to design, develop and execute the campaign. The work is based on the insight that collectively, we make millions of energy choices every single day. Using data and technology, OVO gives its customers the power to use less.

OVO’s media agency, Goodstuff, secured the exclusive placement on Euston Motion+, Europe’s largest indoor advertising screen. The Motion+ spot will be supported by holistic placements throughout Euston Station and supporting connecting stations, tactical placements across Network Rail will run alongside the Motion+ spot supporting wider OVO messaging.


This epic new media opportunity brings together innovation and our mission to change the way the nation thinks about and consumes energy. Credit to our brilliant agency partners for finding a fresh way of transforming OVO's insight into actionable, relatable advice at an even more ambitious and evolving scale.

Alice Tendler

Director of Brand and Marketing at OVO

This is a huge moment for our partnership with OVO. I don’t know of any comparable creative use of generative AI either at this scale or that uses the tech to so perfectly harness a brand vision. OVO sees energy from a different angle, and are therefore prepared to be bolder, more transparent and active in their role in consumer behaviour change than any other competitor.

Franki Goodwin

Chief Creative Officer at Saatchi & Saatchi.

The campaign builds on the ‘different angle’ creative platform launched last year, and the industry-first digital billboards launched in September 2023, which used real-time data to ensure OVO’s ads only appeared when the National Grid ran on renewable energy. The billboards pointed to OVO’s Power Move scheme, which rewards customers for shifting energy usage out of peak energy times (4-7pm, weekdays), to times when the grid is greener, cleaner and powered by renewable energy.

Working with OVO to land this exclusive feature on the new Euston Motion+ is really exciting. This was a sought-after placement, one we were keen to capitalise on to continue to show OVO’s “different angle on energy”. As the campaign progresses, the screen and surrounding media will showcase some of the most innovative connections between data, technology and creativity we’ve seen, including our pioneering work with National Grid ESO data. OVO really is leading the charge with tech-driven innovative media campaigns and there is only more good stuff to come.

Genevieve Tompkins

,Chief Client Experience Officer at Goodstuff

We have worked closely with Network Rail to bring this new Euston Motion+ screen to market, another proofpoint of how Out-of-Home gives back by providing valuable revenue streams for our landlords and a powerful platform for brand communication for our advertising clients.  It is fantastic that OVO has chosen to be our first partner for Euston Motion+, which underlines the importance of Rail as an environment for brands and the new capabilities of digital Out-of-Home to create memorable, immersive and real-time experiences that engage consumers.

Chris Collins

Co-CEO at JCDecaux UK

*The National Grid Group research, April 2021 - source

Published in Rail