
The Retail Trust launches a campaign to raise awareness of shop staff abuse at the UK’s biggest shopping centres.

The Retail Trust has partnered with the JCDecaux Community Channel to raise awareness of shop staff abuse on the screens at some of the country’s biggest shopping centres and encourage shoppers to act more kindly this Christmas. 

M-Visions and digital 6-sheets urging people to ‘stand together against abuse’ are live at shopping centres including Westfield London, Westfield Stratford City, Bluewater, Metrocentre, St David’s and Liverpool One.

The Retail Trust's survey of 1,200 retail workers found 80% of shop workers and 90% of store managers have faced abusive incidents at work, with one in three experiencing this weekly. 47% of staff say they feel unsafe at work as a result. 

Hundreds of retail workers have also taken part in free training from the charity to help protect them against an expected rise in abusive incidents over the festive period. 

Part of work to help shop staff and delivery drivers feel safer during the busy holiday period, more than 1,300 people from over 200 retailers registered for the masterclasses on managing challenging situations in London and online this month. 

The retail workers we speak to face dangerous and demoralising incidents every single day and many say they particularly dread going into work over Christmas because that’s when abuse peaks. People tell us they have products thrown at them and smashed up in front of them while those delivering orders get doors slammed in their faces and objects hurled in their direction. The toll on their wellbeing is huge and it’s driving people away from a career they love because they no longer feel safe.

Chris Brook-Carter

Chief Executive of the Retail Trust 

We are proud to be supporting this important campaign using our digital assets in shopping malls across the country to help raise awareness around the abuse faced by shop workers and store managers. Delivering this message within shopping malls makes it especially impactful and relevant to the environment.

Andy Morton

Head of Development Partnerships at JCDecaux UK

The mall campaign is running throughout November. For more information click here.




Published in Digital, Retail