
The Research


Trust is now at the top of every marketer’s agenda, as only 34% of consumers say they trust the brands they use, but 81% say trust is a deciding factor in their purchase journey. There is clearly a big discrepancy here providing brands with an excellent opportunity to build Trust in a post-pandemic era.


Consumers are constantly presented with an abundant amount of news, advertising and messaging through a multitude of mediums, while concerns about the content veracity and brand safety have been on the rise. As such, it’s never been more important for brands to deliver honest, reliable and trustworthy advertising to counter-act the decline and future-proof their business.

'The Moment for Trust’, a partnership between JCDecaux and Clear Channel, explores the importance of capturing and converting your audience into a trusted customer and proves public media, in particular Out-of-Home, is the most successful channel in delivering credible information, which directly translates into driving brand consideration.



You can't tell lies in public.

Justin Gibbons

Founder of Work Research and author of ‘P²+C=5'


34% more likely to engage with brands we trust
Honesty, reliability & safety words we relate most to trust




+4% Trust in brand claims higher when displayed on Out-of-Home
Quality & Price are top brand attributes when it comes to trust




+7% Out-of-Home increases brand trust more than any other media
1 in 4 agree Out-of-Home is a platform for good, expressing progressive and social values





There is a strong, positive correlation between trust and consideration, with Out-of-Home the strongest media at delivering both:


Watch the live event

Don't worry if you missed The Moment for Trust event in collaboration with Clear Channel as you can watch the full recording here: